As I promissed, I'm back with another work for my polish friends: a poster for The KTO theatre of Cracow and their non-speaking play I'll sell the house in which I can live no more, inspired by the life of the Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal, who died 13 years ago in Prague when he fell from a window on the fifth floor, probably trying to feed some pigeons.
Performances in Romania:
* March 18, 19.00: Room Studio. Hungarian Theater in Cluj
* March 20, 19:00: Act Theater in Bucharest
by mugur grosu, 2010
Vezi ca te-am votat la roblofest... Si sunt si eu inscris.
Si esti si in blogroll-meu...
Ce zici?
change, change da' sa stim si noi!
de ce nu ma lasa sa-ti vad profilul / blogul cand dau clic pe numele tau? cica nu e public profilul. nu e public? si de ce-i sala plina? astia pt. cine-au venit? :))
Acu' ar trebui sa mearga. Daca nu, vezi pe direct http://sinvlex.blogspot.com/
Sigur are sa mearga. Si o sa fie si public. Si aplauze. Pentru tine, ca doar tu esti artistul...
Thanks for post. It’s really informative stuff.
I really like to read.Hope to learn a lot and have a nice experience here! my best regards guys!
ahasadar Sinvlex esti tu! nu Madame Bovary! pai felicitari, clicairi si votari, ce sa-ti mai urez? mai pune-un vis pe blogul celalat, violet, ca tare mi s-a facut somn! :)
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