Yet another drawing for my polish fellows, but this time is about theatre: 3 monodramas / 3 days with Janusz Stolarski in Bucharest, event hosted by other friends of mine, La Scena Club [actually, i'm one of the co-founders of Arca Theatre, which is in the attic of their magic house].
More details about this event here.
by mugur grosu, 2009
It is certainly interesting for me to read the blog. Thanks for it. I like such themes and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.
Salut www.SpuneNuDrogurilor.com este o echipa recent formata, nonprofit, care si-a propus sa lupte pentru constientizarea opiniei publice, a tinerilor debusolati de societatea în care traim despre tot ceea ce înseamna consum de droguri într-un fel sau altul.
Daca prin actiunea ta, salvezi o singura viata de la decadere, considera ca ti-ai atins scopul, alaturi de noi toti ceilalti.
Daca doresti sa sustii aceasta campanie, afisaza pe blogul tau un banner, codul se preia de la: www.spunenudrogurilor.com vei fi sustinut si tu de aceasta campanie lasa un comentariu daca ne sustii sa te sustinem si noi Scuze de deranj
scrie, deseneaza mai des. de vreo cateva luni poposesc aici si nu vad nimic nou. :)
busted! aşa e, m-am lenevit cu desenul. dar când se-ntâmplă aşa, se strâng nişte crochiuri utile... în plus, chiar am scris mai des, sau mai mult. si-am lasat şi pe-aici nişte dâre:
mulţam şi reverente!
Am implinit un an de activitate. Te asteptam la noi pentru a-ti oferi un widget, banner, plugin-wp, sau doar o idee pentru a adauga un plus de look si functionalitate blogului tau!
Hi people,
What online fanzines do you read and would recommend?
For all you punk people out there I recommend The Enough Fanzine. It is one of the first punk fanzines on the internet.
They have throusands of interviews from the most underground bands all over the world. Check them out online: [url=http://www.enoughfanzine.com]Enough Fanzine[/url]. Best of it all, they are 100% non-profit and just helping the scene!
Looking forward to your recommendations.
Yo Fellow Forumites
Looks 4 sure like www.blogger.com really could be a excessively great forum for me
I am happy to have found it.
this is a laugh for you from me : An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support. :
Anybody like Beatboxing
Looking forward to a good long sojourn here!
South Dakota,Letcher
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